2024 Healthy Driven PSACC Harvest 5k-10k Run/Walk & Kidz Miler

September 29th, 2024


Run the series.

Healthy Driven Running Series

Training Tips


Training Tips for Runners!

The Plainfield Chamber of Commerce Health Services Committee congratulates you on training for the Edward Plainfield Harvest 5K Run/Walk & Kidz Miler. We have listed our tips to help you be prepared for a successful run.

  1. Train and race in running shoes – tennis, basketball or walking shoes are not designed for the type of support and protection you need for running.
  2. Buy shoes late in the day when your foot is it’s widest. Buy new shoes every 350 miles of training.
  3. Eat a snack immediately after running to refuel your muscles.
  4. Stay hydrated – 8oz water or sports drink every 20 minutes of exercise.
  5. Start slow – even if it’s only 10 minutes of jogging/walking. You should be able to talk comfortably during your run or you are pushing it to hard.
  6. Change it up – try cross training (cycling, playing other sports) once a week to break up your training and decrease your chance of injury.
  7. Keep your head up when running – good running posture is less stressful to your body and actually allows you to run faster.
  8. Wear sunscreen.
  9. Always stretch when muscles are warm! Do an active warm-up that consists of light jogging or walking then stretch then run and stretch one more time at the end of a run.
  10. Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise to stay hydrated and prevent cramping!
  11. Break in new running shoes slowly – and NOT on race day!
  12. Have a pair of shoes specifically designed for running that you use only for running.
  13. Taper your workouts the week prior to the race! Slowly decrease your distances and make sure to do no exercise the day before your race.
  14. Eat at least two hours before your race to allow time for digestion before you run.
  15. Wear loose fitting, breathable, moisture-wicking clothing when you run to allow sweat to evaporate and keep your body cool. Stay away from cotton-based materials; it prevents the body from cooling by retaining sweat.
  16. Use a chaffing stick (in areas that might be rubbed raw – armpits, inner thighs, waistband of pants, etc) to prevent discomfort during your run.
  17. When running for speed, concentrate on landing on the balls of your feet, rather than your heels, for a faster, safer running stride!
  18. Running shoes should be replaced every 500 miles or every 3-6 months! Even if the shoes do not feel like it, they are broken down and will not give you the support you need to run injury free. They can still be worn – just not for running!
  19. To avoid side cramps, try “belly breathing!” When inhaling, allow your belly to expand (not just your lungs!) to maximize the amount of air your lungs can take in. This will allow for much deeper breaths, and consequently, better oxygen flow to your muscles!
  20. Be at the race location 45-60 minutes early on race day. This allows you to find parking, walk to the main race area and use the restroom if needed.
  21. Get a good nights’ sleep two nights before race day. You may have a sleepless night the night before a race.
  22. Wear a visor rather than hat (if applicable), during running. Hats tend to trap heat in, causing the body temperature to rise.
  23. Cross train to avoid injury and build endurance.
  24. Use sunscreen, even if the weather is overcast.
  25. Check race information to see if there will b a gear check. If no gear check, stash your valuables or bring a friend to hold your valuables and cheer you on.
  26. Run with relaxed hands, shoulders back, and elbows at approximately 90º. Run upright, swing your arms from the shoulder in a “hip-pocket, eye-socket” direction, and keep your jaw, neck and shoulders relaxed.
  27. Begin the start of a race running slower than your goal race pace. Starting out too fast will deplete energy stores needed to finish the race strong.
  28. Do not eat any new foods or anything unusual that you have not tried before running the race.